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La station de chute de blocs de Montagnole - crédit photo Univ. Eiffel


How can we improve protection against rockfall risks?

Two experts from Gustave Eiffel University explain rockfall risks and how to prevent them more effectively.

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ne crue soudaine de la Vésubie à Saint-Martin-Vésubie – Crédits Sébastien Gominet / IRma


Flooding: How can flash floods be better prevented?

With 1 in 4 French people living on flood plains, let's find out more about the phenomena of flash floods and runoff.

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Soft and sustainable mobility: what model for rural areas?

In a context of ecological transition, how can we ensure better service and better coverage of sparsely populated areas?

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Raw earth: an ancient building material with a bright future

Raw earth has regained its place in modern construction in recent years thanks to its many qualities, particularly its ecological benefits.

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