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Who is ELEA?

Identity : friendly robot

Âge : the same as you

Country : France

Mission : make science fun and interesting

ELEA discovers Sense-city

Published in March 2020 and updated in February 2023

Fires, floods, pollution… all cities are facing the challenge of climate change. One research project, Sense-City, is developing ways to improve cities of the future thanks to its mini city (climate chamber) that creates its own weather conditions.

ELEA will take you on a visit to see Sense-City and its climate chamber and help you understand this complex subject. Simply play the video (duration: 2m 46s).


SENSE CITY : better understanding for better building with ELEA :

Subtitles in English and French available by clicking on the "subtitle and audio" icon in the movie’s icon bar


Put simply...

What’s a climate chamber? It’s a weather-making machine! The chamber can create humid, rainy or hot weather as well as pollution. Sensors are used to collect information on how buildings and urban features react and on the quality of air, water or soil. The aim is to make buildings as efficient as possible to tackle global warming and create a breathable atmosphere in cities that are pleasant to live in.


Identity sheet of the animated film

Title :ELEA discovers Sense-city
Public :Students and their teachers
Contributor :Julien Waeytens, researcher in physical modelling of urban phenomena, Université Gustave Eiffel
Making video :Visée.A Production
Coordination :The Dissemination of Knowledge and Openness service at the Gustave Eiffel University
Key words :Sense-city, city, global warming, climate chamber, climate, sensors
Collection :ELEA discovers