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A virtual human at the service of two-wheeled motor vehicles

Published in January 2015 and updated in March 2023

L’Homme Virtuel (virtual human), developed by the Applied Biomechanics Laboratory (LBA), enables the human body to be modelled in a number of different ways. These virtual models provide an understanding of all the phases of an accident. Research perspectives focus on using L’Homme Virtuel to understand, prevent and repair trauma.

Take a look at the video l'Homme virtuel au service des 2 roues motorisés

(video in french, subtilted in english : click on the icon "sous titres et audio")

Identity card of the video

Original title:

L'homme virtuel au service des deux-roues motorisés

with the participation of:Pierre-Jean Arnoux, Catherine Masson and  Maxime Llari
Directed by:Sophie Jeannin et Fabien Moreau
Produced by:Ifsttar