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An unprecedented study into the real-life experiences of people with visual impairments

Page published in June 2024

There is a drastic lack of knowledge about the daily lives and needs of visually impaired people in France. This observation was the motivation for a group of nine associations to join forces with researchers to conduct the Homère study, a nationwide participatory survey.

The Homère study is now closed and offers unprecedented data shedding light on the experiences of visually impaired people, and in particular, the difficulties they encounter in various aspects of their daily lives. These results are intended to help guide public policy towards greater inclusion of blind and partially sighted people in our society.


Dossier text written by Kogito Agency following an interview with the project co-leaders.

Identity card of the participatory research

Title of project:Homère study
Objective:To understand more about visually impaired people in France, their resources and difficulties
Eight co-leader associations:Association Nationale des Parents d’Enfants Aveugles (ANPEA), Fédération Française des Associations de Chiens guides d’aveugles (FFAC), Association Valentin Haüy (AVH), Fédération des Aveugles et Amblyopes de France, Groupement des Associations Partenaires d’Action Sociale (GAPAS), Institut National de Jeunes Aveugles (INJA), Association Départementale des Pupilles de l’Enseignement Public du Rhône et de la Métropole de Lyon, Voir Ensemble, RETINA France.
Research consortium:DIPHE Laboratory (Université Lumière Lyon 2), Institut d’Ergonomie et d’Écologie Paris 8, Autonomii Médialis, Domelia Conseil (VAA Conseil).
Partners:Association de Gestion du Fonds pour l’Insertion Professionnelle des Personnes Handicapées (Agefiph), Caisse Nationale d’Assurance Vieillesse (Cnav), Optic 2000, Comité National Coordination Action Handicap (CCAH), Klésia.
Key events:Presentation of the results of the study in February 2023 to the Conseil Économique, Social et Environnemental (CESE).
Main deliverable:National study report on visual impairment
Key words:Visually impaired people, France, difficulties, needs, mobility, access to employment, education, rights, digital, focus groups, survey, workshops.