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Science is co-constructed! In this collection of dossiers, titled “Research in Society”, we hear from scientists and citizen collectives that have pooled their knowledge to imagine the cities and territories of tomorrow.

As well as showcasing co-constructed knowledge, this web dossier format highlights different forms of citizen involvement in the research process and the various collaborating stakeholders. It is made up of several multimedia pages that present the main outline of each project, behind-the-scenes content, joint interviews with partners, and the co-constructed results and knowledge.

In keeping with our commitment to openness to society, we have chosen to use the “Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International” license (CC BY-SA 4.0) for these dossiers, so that they can be shared freely and reused under certain conditions.

Personnes âgées dans la rue


Imagining a city where ageing is a pleasure

At a time when the ageing of populations has become a societal issue, CAPACité will apply the principles of citizen science to collectively address common representations of the inclusive city of the future.

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Research in society

Science is co-constructed! In this collection of dossiers, titled “Research in Society”, we hear from scientists and citizen collectives that have pooled their knowledge to imagine the cities and territories of tomorrow.

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