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Who is ELEA?

Identity : friendly robot

Âge : the same as you

Country : France

Mission : make science fun and interesting

ELEA discovers female sport

Published in November 2023

In 1935, Baron Pierre de Coubertin, creator of the modern Olympic Games, thought that women had no place in the Olympics, because sports were a manly activity. Fortunately, history has evolved towards greater equality between men and women thanks to athletes who were not afraid to assert themselves.

ELEA takes you into the world of women’s sports, to help you better understand this complex subject. Simply play the video (duration: 3.33min)

Subtitles in English and French available by clicking on the "subtitle and audio" icon in the movie’s icon bar


Put simply...

What is the Olympism?

The origin of Olympism dates back to antiquity (776 BC), from which the Greeks began to measure time in Olympiads, the duration between each edition of the Games. These were held every 4 years, in Delphi or Olympia, ancient Greece. But in 393 AD, the Roman Emperor Theodosius I banned the organization of the Olympic Games for religious reasons. On the eve of the 20th century, attempts to re-establish a world-class Sports Games multiplied, but failed due to the lack of coordination of the international sports movement. It was Baron Pierre de Coubertin who was at the origin of the "modern" Olympic Games in 1894 and who still perpetuated the 3 fundamental values: Friendship, Respect and Excellence.


Identity sheet of the animated film

Title :ELEA discovers the cybersecurity
Public :Students and their teachers
Contributors :Virginie Deniau and Christophe Gransart, researchers in cybersecurity of wireless communication systems, Université Gustave Eiffel
Making the video :Visée.A Production
Coordination :The Dissemination of Knowledge and Openness service at the Gustave Eiffel University
Key words :digital, cybersecurity, cyberattack, wireless network, communication
Collection :ELEA discovers