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Who is ELEA ?

Identity : friendly robot

Âge : the same as you

Country : France

Mission : make science fun and interesting

ELEA discovers the 5th generation road

Published in November 2022

Whether in the city or in the countryside, we use roads every day to go from one place to another. Scientists at Université Gustave Eiffel are working to develop of a new type of road called the 5th-generation road, which has innovative built-in technology. It is safe and connected to its users and is no doubt the road of the future!

Join ELEA and be the first to discover all the secrets of the 5th-generation road. Just click on the video below! (Duration: 2m 24s)


Join Elea to discover the road of the future :

Subtitles in English and French available by clicking on the "subtitle and audio" icon in the movie’s icon bar


Put simply...

What is a resilient road? Resilience is the ability of an object (in this case a road) to adapt in the face of threats that may destroy it. It can repair itself and carry on doing what it was originally intended to do. A resilient road is therefore safer for its users.


Identity sheet of the animated film

Title :ELEA discovers the 5th generation road
Public :Students and their teachers
Contributor :Nicolas Hautière, director of the COSYS department in charge of R5G, Université Gustave Eiffel
Making the video :Visée.A Production
Coordination :The Dissemination of Knowledge and Openness service at the Gustave Eiffel University
Key words :Sobriety, positive energy, resilience, ecological transition, road, innovation, infrastructure
Collection :ELEA discovers