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crédit : Dutchmen photography


LGBT+ refugees in France: difficulties accessing international protection

People seeking asylum on the grounds of their sexual orientation or gender identity may encounter difficulties in being granted refugee status. The process in France is far from easy.

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crédits : Lucie Hautbout et Gabrielle Bichat


The forgotten victims of the agricultural crisis: no right of residence for foreign seasonal…

As forgotten victims of the agricultural crisis, foreign workers in France face an ambiguous migration policy that oscillates between legislation, legality and regularisation and rejection.

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Crédit photo : Felix Nadar - Wikipédia


Sarah Bernhardt: an actress who imposed her gender

Sarah Bernhardt’s acting skills and personality turned the world of theatre upside down. She was criticised for her “lack of femininity”, which she turned into a strength.

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Crédit photo : Pe_Wu 15394754783


Phasing out Company Value Added Tax (CVAE): a poorly targeted measure aiming to boost French…

The tax cuts planned in the 2023 finance bill increase the competitiveness of large companies, but only apply to a minority in the economy as a whole. We take a closer look.

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Crédits : Aquasys - JF Gobichon


Geothermal energy and transport infrastructures: an unexplored potential? The example of the metro…

Capitalising on the thermal stability of the subsurface to heat buildings aboveground: this is the principle of geothermal energy. In Rennes, a metro line was recently equipped to harness geothermal energy, with promising results.

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Crédit : 24K-Production Epictura 674405464


How does remote working impact our mobility?

Remote working has certainly led to our dailytrips being recentred around the home, but the impact on car ownership and place of residence remains low for households.

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