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Sophie Jeannin


Antoine Robichet, transport researcher

Find out more about Antoine Robichet, a researcher interested in innovative delivery methods.

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In Loos-en-Gohelle, a “customised” sustainable mobility project created with the inhabitants

This municipality of Hauts-de-France is trying to develop with its inhabitants sustainable mobility solutions adapted to their needs.

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Vignette de l'article – Image Halfpoint pour Epictura


Cities and delivery services: does the “logistics sprawl” increase pollution?

Moving warehouses away from city centers seems at first sight to increase the distances traveled, and therefore the GHG emissions. The effects are actually more complex.

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MAGnUM, a study that plays with traffic jams in order to prevent them

Researchers from the MAGnUM project have developed an innovative strategy based on large-scale simulations, to create better strategies for regulating traffic flows. Now, they are making the data from their six years of research available to the public.

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Illustration issue d'animation - Droits Visee.A Production et Université Gustave Eiffel

animation films

ELEA discovers the train of the future

Ever since trains have existed, they have been constantly modernised. Join ELEA to find out what scientists are doing to design the “smart” trains of the future.

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Transpolis: the experimental city for our future mobility

A full-scale test city of around 30 hectares for carrying out urban mobility experiments.

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