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What is the goal of science for our society ? Read scientist's contributions in our science topic.


A science topic brings together several scientists from different disciplines to discuss a particular issue. The collection of these texts, written by scientists, forms a thematic dossier. In this collection, the science topics are organised into four main themes: Mobility, Infrastructure, Risks and Environment, Territories.

In keeping with our commitment to openness to society, we have chosen to use the “Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International” license (CC BY-SA 4.0) for some of our texts so that they can be shared freely and reused under certain conditions.

Déchets de béton Droits Hugues Delahousse pour Ifsttar


Can concrete be green?

The widespread use of concrete has consequences, for example on CO2 emissions, mainly due to the manufacture of cement, or the production of mineral wastes after deconstruction.

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Feu de signalisation piéton


How can pedestrian safety be improved?

The improvement of the safety of so-called “vulnerable users” is based at Gustave Eiffel University on many scientific disciplines by considering different scales of analysis.

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Crédits Université Gustave Eiffel


How to deal with urban noise ?

Noise is a nuisance that affects two out of three people in France, particularly acute in urban areas. Researchers at Gustave Eiffel University are focusing their research on this issue in order to better understand it.

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Crédit The_Lightwriter Epictura 114116984


Models of human beings: their impacts on tomorrow's mobility

Mobility is at the heart of our society’s challenges. Moving has become much more than an ordinary act, and is the subject of research at Gustave Eiffel University.

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Vignette présentation des dossiers thématiques - Droits Sophie Jeannin pour Ifsttar


Science topics

What is the goal of science for our society ? Read scientist's contributions in our science topic.

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Illustration 3D du concept de voiture autonome. the_lightwriternpour Epictura


Sharing views on automated vehicle

New Technologies also apply to transport. Discover here what intelligent transport systems are, an innovative form of autonomous vehicles.

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