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What is the future of urban logistics?

Page published in October 2022

Laëtitia Dablanc, Scientific coordinator of the science topic, Gustave Eiffel University

Each year, freight transport is responsible for a million tonnes of CO2 emissions in Paris, and almost a million deliveries are made every day in the Greater Paris Region (Île-de-France). These two record figures are partly caused by changing patterns of consumption but also the fact that urban logistics is far from optimal due to the use of outdated vehicles.

The approach adopted by the University in the area of urban logistics is unique in France. In particular, it can draw on the results of traffic data collection campaigns and a variety of surveys, for example, ECHO shipper survey.

She is also currently evaluating and comparing a variety of metropolitan logistics facilities, drawing up maps that illustrate “logistical decentralization” and developing scenarios that are innovative and clean. These studies aim to inform public decision-making and help firms plan organizational changes and select different types of transport (electric or gas
powered vehicles, two or three-wheelers, etc.).

Although the “last kilometre” of the journey is known to have very harmful environmental impacts, the University is involved in attempts to mitigate them by creating new types of logistical hubs in city centres. She contributes to the progress in curbing the current practices.

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These studies aim to inform public decision-making and help firms plan organizational changes and select different types of transport.



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Identity card of the science topic

Title:What is the future of urban logistics?
Coordinator:Laëtitia Dablanc
Authors:Laëtitia Dablanc, Corinne Blanquart, David Guerrero, Eleonora Morganti, Reinhard Gressel, Antoine Beyer
Collection:IFSTTAR Sciences topics
Version:PDF for free download in web and print versions
Licence:Creative Common CC BY-SA 4.0
Publication:June 2013 and updated in september 2017
Languages:French and english
Keywords:River transport, goods, delivery, e-commerce, freight, logistics, Ifsttar science topics