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Illustration issue d'animation - Droits Visee.A et Université

animation films

ELEA discovers autonomous vehicles

ELEA the robot will take you inside an autonomous vehicle, but where’s the driver? Fasten your seat belt!

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Crédits : Visee.A Production (image extraite du film d'animation ELEA)

animation films

ELEA discovers female sport

Wireless communication is part of our daily lives, but it's not without danger. Join ELEA to discover cybersecurity.

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Illustration issue d'animation - Droits Visee.A Production et Université Gustave Eiffel

animation films

ELEA discovers Sense-city

A climate chamber that makes it rain or shine? The Sense-City project explores ways to improve cities in the future in response to global warming.

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Illustration issue d'animation - Droits Visee.A Production et Université Gustave Eiffel

animation films

ELEA discovers the 5th generation road

Scientists at Université Gustave Eiffel are working on a new type of road with innovative built-in technology, called the 5th-generation road. The topic has been simplified for young audiences.

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Illustration issue d'animation - Droits Visee.A Production et Université Gustave Eiffel

animation films

ELEA discovers the cybersecurity

Wireless communication is part of our daily lives, but it's not without danger. Join ELEA to discover cybersecurity.

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Illustration issue d'animation - Droits Visee.A Production et Université Gustave Eiffel

animation films

ELEA discovers the train of the future

Ever since trains have existed, they have been constantly modernised. Join ELEA to find out what scientists are doing to design the “smart” trains of the future.

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